in a way they are, wage increases, passed by the state, will force companies to look to reduce costs,ie lay-offs.
then why are so many leaving the state?
do you care what is happening in gaza, it does not affect you
because it will be looked at by everyone as a model to follow, good or bad.
these jobs are going to be killed by the government in california that passed the law, leaving no choice to bussinesses,imo.
you might care when people lose their jobs to absorb the bottom line increases wage hikes lead too.
see above link
McDonald’s, Chipotle to hike menu prices after California Gov. Newsom approves $20 fast food minimum wage enough
just the tip,imo, of the iceberg. more price hikes and automation will cost employees their jobs, so much for the wage increase helping on the...
are we going the miss state/ole miss all foreign roster, why not more americans?
so only conservatives can be anti-semetic?
Meatloaf,is that you?
being out of work for 6 plus weeks i doubt many had a financial reserve to afford this, plus there has to be emotional issues with families.
wonder how much their union dues are going to rise to pay for the strike?
otis my man
the strike is going on what, the 6th week? reports are they are getting 500.00 a week, hard to live on with families and biden cost rises for...
just lost the first set to A@M, hard to believe they were a half set away from sweeping wisconsin and being no.1, now lucky to be top 25.1...