Held guns to kids’ heads… like tourists do. [MEDIA]
To go. To. A. Car. Show. [MEDIA]
“We’re going to kill her.” [MEDIA]
All with the shtick that he gives the “real information that the elites don’t want you to know” or “asking the questions that others won’t...
The answer lies in your question.
Yet another argument that reinforces the need for a bipartisan Congressional commission with subpoena power to investigate the events. Why don’t...
When your friends snap chat your crimes… [MEDIA]
How it’s going… [MEDIA]
Misdemeanors only and no additional jail time. Good luck with that. [MEDIA]
Almost like there’s a correlation there, isn’t it? Maybe even causation?
Quite a to do list… [MEDIA]
Because nothing says insurrection like Burberry. [MEDIA]
I give you the real victim of the insurrection… [MEDIA] Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Every accusation is a confession with these folks. Wow.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. [MEDIA]
Just in case you had any doubt whose side those folks are on… [MEDIA]
You realize that the GOP used the filibuster to stop the investigation of a mass violent crime with police victims and assault on our democracy?...
The GOP Now Stands for Nothing A worthwhile read. And right on cue to prove the point: