Nominee for DC USA. [MEDIA]
Nothing to see here… [MEDIA]
And here he was thinking it would help him get laid… :D
SMDH. [MEDIA] Libs owned. *eyeroll*
Just tourists. No weapons. [MEDIA]
Anyone who was paying attention the last four years.
Anyone have a tiny violin? [MEDIA]
A tragedy in four acts. [MEDIA] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You have no idea how close that is to some of the “sovereign citizen” stuff I’ve seen.
This thread… “A man who represents himself” embodied. [MEDIA]
Somebody’s gonna get fired… [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
I really want to say to a sovereign citizen, “okay, so what we are going to do is we are going to imprison you. And since you’re a sovereign, you...
From another source. [MEDIA]
The blood-style fingerprint “seal” will really make the difference here. [MEDIA]
Cheap little tourist visit. [MEDIA]
Just your typical tourist visit. [MEDIA]
Wouldn’t it be .44? .56 is the rate people are vaccinated, so .44 is the rate they aren’t.
55 of 56 field offices. [MEDIA]