There is a non-negligible chance of killing someone with a taser. Nothing short of violence justifies it.
Sorry, but if they were playing Rocky Top...
It is no longer a serious place.
The timeout at the end would have just been a headscratcher. They used it as one last opportunity to take a cheap shot at our quarterback. The...
SEC officials, so Mertz will be suspended for the first half next week.
It isn't hard to guess what Plan B was after they left.
They'll probably bring these back and start doing drive-by's if all else fails. [IMG]
Not to mention all the people who died alone and scared because they weren't allowed visitors.
Covid offended me, so I canceled it.
I feel sorry for anyone born on 9/11. I think you're expected to apologize for it whenever it comes up.
A world where Nyquil had pseudoephedrine and 25% alcohol was a much better world.
It's time for a 9/11 vs. 1/6 match for the heavyweight champion of Never Forget! Cheney vs. Cheney!
9/11 was indeed a dark day for America, as George Washington was soundly defeated and driven back in a massive retreat by General Howe in the...
What kind of rocket surgeon sexually harasses a woman who makes a living teaching women how to deal with sexual harassment?
18 months? Hot damn! [MEDIA]
Nobody was wondering if they were going to be crapping their diapers in a couple of years.
Burning fossil fuels in order to move us forward in some other tangible way beats the snot out of burning them just to leave a trash pile in the...
Ask me again in nine days.
Yeah. I'm finding that playing his songs right now is only reminding me that he's gone and no amount of reminiscing is going to bring him back....