You forgot the one-yard run between the guards on first down.
In this NIL world - "Money" by Pink Floyd
Thanks for 49 years of Gator support. That's awesome. You must at least make it to 50.
It will certainly get him a raise at Ole Miss.
All true, and, the two are pretty much inter-related. The right coach would be capable of recruiting well. Then he has to do it.
Hey, when I played youth sports, you had a better chance of being drafted onto a team if you had a dad who would help coach. Any recruits out...
Thank God for Samford.
This is one of my concerns... who would be next.
Recruiting is never the last thing to worry about. Shane Matthews gets a lot wrong.
Yes, we do have a larger, more talented recruiting base than Mississippi does. And, you're right that it would stand to reason that any coach...
I bet he would.
I am a fan of fun football. Not getting my money's worth lately.
I do agree with that, Crush. The question remains about the consistency and persistence of that turn-around though. You live by the sword and...
Now, you're talking. In addition to his dubious character, I am worried about some of the same things you mention about Kiffin, and more. He...
Nope, not saying we are doomed. But, don't expect to be a consistent competitor for at least 4-5 years. Check back with me on that.
You're fooling yourself. It will be bad. Best case, we're back in 4-5 years.
That would be bad if it's true. Man. But, why would he like a tweet saying Napier needs to go if he's quitting for the year and leaving anyway?
As is the current pattern around the land, no one is apparently in charge.
Does that mean that you can transfer AND play at the new school this year after a coaching change?
I couldn't agree with you more Scooter. We are in the minority.