Gotcha. I would say it's definitely still an advantage, but, not enough to narrow the current gap.
A drained Swamp? This game is sold out.
'Bout time.
He was known for wanting to bring his entire staff with him. Loyal guy. But, I think that was actually supposed to have been one of the...
You couldn't fault him for going home when he was called. I watched him coach locally in Central Florida and was always impressed with him. I...
I actually really wanted him here. But, he definitely didn't break through in Nebraska. Might not have made it here in Big Boy Conference either.
All I know is they can run the ball, so, I'm assuming their OL is strong.
Game is sold out.
Special Teams in general have improved overall. Unfortunately that's not enough.
Ten missed tackles by that certain safety in four games. 2 1/2 times as much as the next nearest defender. He should sit.
Yes, those are the personnel issues we have. The physical infrastructure is there, but, the organization is apparently not.
What infrastructure that is not related to the fan-side of the experience do we still need? We have the indoor facility now. We have the...
That's a couple minutes of my life I'll never get back...
Sometimes we all have a bad disremembery.
I think Pug likes to be called Pup...
Did it? I thought Miami was favored by about 3 points and aTm was something similar? Maybe I was looking at Vegas odds.
Well, go ahead and start writing then. Just leave that TO: line blank. I'll hand carry it to him for you.
or Spumey Bowchamp
I think you are right, but, he sure was about to blow a head-gasket in the 13-12 Kentucky game. I rather enjoyed that, except the final outcome.
I know you're kidding, but, SOS did leave on his own terms from every job he ever held. He was never canned, and often told teams they would...