so glad you did a "drive by" hoping some trees around your neck of the woods need trimming soon.....
oh... got your color going on now looks good hope all is well
Hello Anstro hope life is going well for you
had several visitors to my page, as I see you have they need to learn to say "hello"
hellllllllllo V
in the Pub??? alright~ hope you are not freezing too much
sure it is getting chilly there.... stay warm not much longer to the weekend
STAY WARM it must be just unbearable.... I just ran out to get my newspaper, which I don't read. So it went to the trash.....
I am so so proud of you.....checking on your last posts~ lunchtime and after 4 You are a MODEL person/dad/role model...... smiles and you...
Happy Belated Birthday to you..... V
Thanks for the rep~ the video is just awesome Leakfan4life made isn't it?
Welcome back
Another big thanks You outdid yourself with the lastest Video...hope you don't mind I posted it in the Pub in a Tebow Tribute thread. Vanders
wahooooooooooooo Go Gators
Welcome to the "premium" .... so glad you got it, now you can upload your pics with ease V
Greetings from Baloo [IMG]