Well said sir. I have my issues with Trump but cannot ignore the fact that his policies, other than deficit spending were sound. The man gives...
This has the eerie feel of another Romney “Binders of Women” manufactured “issue”. Gotta hand it to the Dems, they can make anything into a...
You forgot his untimely readings of “Pause” in those teleprompter sessions.
Here’s the difference; With Trump (or Bush, Dole, W, McCain(once the primaries were over),Romney) it’s “sources say” and then the accusations...
I could see leaning to your line of thinking if the media had a history of unbiased reporting of D’s and R’s. We all must acknowledge that legacy...
That’s fair. I’ll go back to looking at things reasonably(what you call shilling) and you can go back to whatever it is you do. What we saw last...
I can see that you must just be a wonderful human being (actually we already knew that Jo) and a loving child and spouse who would put your own...
Last night was a two hour display of what we have been seeing in five and ten minute increments for about five years now in very controlled...
Why do they call you Booger?
It sure does. Often the answers to our problems are right in front of us, but the politics won’t let us look at it.
I still believe that diesel-electric is where the auto industry should be focused. Once you take the ridiculous “zero emissions” mandates out...
Did you go the game for senior night last year?
Not quite all, but the vast majority. [ATTACH]
I love watching liberals contort themselves in trying to play economists.
Then cover up the phallus pointing into Chief Osceola’s mouth.
Forgot about Lamplighter. Had quite a few good nights there.
I wish the state would put that place out of our misery!
You’re being too respectful and nice. They are feckless all of time time, and corrupt most of the time.
For those interested, late in his life, Glen Campbell made an an album named “Meet Glen Campbell”. It is an album of covers. In it he does...
Killed a lot of brain cells at Dubs.