Please don’t take this as a personal shot. I do not say this in sarcasm. I have watched Biden operate since the early 80’s. The media has...
It’s more hilarious when lefties make fools of themselves in front of thousands and can’t admit they were duped
Fine. Then talk about them all you want, but you need to admit that your emotions got the better of your common sense and you fell for a stupid...
Well Jo, there are many things in this life that are not worth wasting time on. Trying to have a rational conversation or debate with you is one...
Well that’s all well and good but your post showed a picture of Mr. Wolfe and said he was a white supremacist. Apparently that is not true. You...
Maybe it was his cocaine????
That article also mentions nothing about white supremacist motives. In fact, he seems to keep odd company for a white supremacist??? Bryce...
You seem to also be having fun being misinformed.
Not only off topic but apparently not even true. Four top articles and no mention of white supremacy. Looks like you may have been douped rt,...
I suppose you think he helped the Germans bomb Pearl Harbor too, don't you Jo?
I dont know what you’re nitpicking at. You know darn good and well what the party elite did to Bernie (I can’t fault them) and you know know darn...
I’m very glad to see you acknowledging reality here. The party elite made the choice in 16 and 20 as they felt that they had to torpedo Bernie....
Thank you for the commentary Adolph. Now please sit down and be quiet. Wait a second; Jo is short for Joseph. You’re a Joseph Stalin wanna...
By pulling the plug, are you advocating that they are putting her out of our misery?
Bad food???? Are you referring to Great Britain or Germany?
Don’t think I ever said that Jo. I guess it must just be your delusional thoughts once again
Yes, real estate unaffordable on a senators salary. As said before, the book advances and speaking fees( who’s going to pay to listen to him )...
It might not be slight. Don’t know if it is true but I read the 70K of the 206K were government jobs which will increase this year’s deficit by...
Typical Dem, won’t answer the question so you question the intellect (savviness) in your words. Now all of your girlfriends like Jo can pile on....
I don’t need to question WHAT he is worth. That’s obvious that it is substantial. What I’m questioning is how he got there?