I have been. I’m up to 18 shots now. Im not sure I can make it to the bar to get another bottle.
Where do you think the justices learned it from. You don’t have to be a salesman to sell influence. Customers line up outside your door!
Your not factoring in all of the bribes, “donations”, and real estate connection income.
It’s definitely against the law to do that, but then again, so is the insider trading that they are already doing.
One can hope, but none of us will see it in our lifetimes. They would be in effect voting themselves at 50-75% pay cut
You are far too optimistic on that one!!
I would say that Trump put the bike in gear, popped the clutch and wound that thing out through first gear up to the red line and wanted badly to...
They all engaged in some level of stimulus and the all dropped rates. There was a lot of liquidity flowing.
I give Trump no pass on Covid. Fauci should have been walked out the door after his first contradiction. He should not have been allowed to do...
I definitely agree. People don’t want to face up to difficulties. They want mommy and daddy to “make it go away”. The political aftermath of...
That is recent occurrence Jo, I think you know that.
It didn’t cause ships to wait, but it damn sure made whatever was on those ships to be more expensive once it was unloaded and shipped....
Agree and funny!
Pandemic didn’t create inflation. If anything, overall prices initially deflated, with supply and demand determining price fluctuations....
Why do your ”links” always seem to be be opinion and conjecture that you agree with.
Yes but not for the reasons that AzCat likes to promote
Your opinion, as written, deserves nothing more that snark. If there was any logic in your interpretation of facts, I could see my way to calling...
You sound like me; I WEAR the pants in our family, but my wife tells me which ones I can wear!
Um, Okee asked for “honest discussion”.
Sorry, but I can’t honestly equate “becoming less blatantly left” with “moving right”. We have known for decades who and what CNN is. Just...