That's fantasy. They will never kill every Hamas fighter. And for every one they kill, especially if they kill a bunch of civilians at the same...
Hamas is intentionally setting up in civilians - no question that isn't debatable. They are doing it on purpose. The more civilians die, the more...
How do we even know the hostages are alive? How many people have to die for 120 hostages? That is a hollow excuse to continue blowing up...
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"
"Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else"
I'll believe it when I see it.
This is how things escalate - one little step at a time. Estonia 'seriously' discussing sending troops to 'rear' jobs in Ukraine: Official -...
I think it is also important to mention that Israel is doing exactly what Hamas wants them to do. Consider that in war, you should NEVER do what...
Ok, so I have read that Israel has killed 2 of the 5 brigade commanders, 19 of the 24 Hamas Battalion commanders, killed roughly 13,000 of 30,000...
It’s amazing to me how stupid a good deal of the country is about voting. Voting third party is not really a vote for a third party. It’s a win...
you keep putting words in my mouth and speaking in absolutes and binaries. But How many people should die for the remaining 120 hostages? Israel...
omfg Lolol I forgot about that gem. Thanks for reminding me.
hamas isn’t going anywhere. Why are people blind to this? I’m all for hitting them back but wtf where do we draw the line? How many civilians do...
Well I'm sure indiscriminate bombing is going to get them back... Famine, disease, and mayhem is sure to work. Come on, at what point do we say...
Oh right - so none of the smartest people on earth have come up with a solution for the middle east, and you what, expect ME to know the answer?...
I hope you're right! But manpower will remain an issue.
I've posted this before in other threads - the most dysfunctional, least effective majority in history. But many republicans don't care - they'll...
I love how people on this thread are defending Israel for killing civilians like its somehow unavoidable in fighting terrorists, saying things...
It's not something Russia wins "easily". Wars of attrition are never easy. Holding Russia in Ukraine is the right move, strategically. Consider...
Yeah it took a few years for the wheels to come off. I'm not saying for sure that will happen here - but he's been anointed as the best prez ever...