You know better. It's about cost savings, period. And blind loyalty (deportation if you don't bend the knees for the company).
Happier than having their boy (Musk) in Trump's ear all day? Dude is completely compromised by the CCP and his own greed.
Big difference here. Ag workers are taking jobs most Americans don't want to do and won't do for that price. Elon and his Tech bro buddies just...
Elon wants 400K talent (Indians) for 80K. Period. End of story. This is why big tech loves them.
That and people just don't give a _____ and can't be bothered to pay attention. See: 99% of the comments (to this day) in every story about the...
Waa! Someone get them their binkies.
No dude, one side is clearly the victim here. Poor MAGA. Always being victimized by the mean 'ole liberals. We should really treat them with more...
I'll give you 250B reasons why it won't. And then there's Musk's plan to make sure Tesla's Chinese empire is safe from any kind of sanctions or...
The solution - in lieu of and maybe even superior to regulation - is a media that isn't a bunch of rife cowards and aggressively covers it the way...
Watch who gets completely absolved from any negative effect of tariffs. Xi's man in the White House.
It's an open pay-to-play system. Sad part is people acknowledge this - and that it's the biggest problem with the political system - then just...
Nah. My guy is good. Your guy is bad.
Wow, the "liberal" media must really be slipping if Bill has to go to The Blaze for his daily dose of outrage.
Nope, but I honestly 100% believe he's a CCP man, which is really terrifying when you think about it. Just watch these tariffs and who pays and,...
But it happened at the beginning. France didn't "devolve" into it as you claim all democracies do. This basic lack of knowledge or ability to tie...
I think he's from another planet. What do you even say to the claim that Mao was in favor of democracy, or that China EVER experienced democracy...
Ah yes, the irony that is MAGA.
The MAGA rationalizations, and mental flaming hoops that will have to be jumped through if this happens will be amazing to say the least. I almost...
Yes. That is 1000% the intent of the post.