If that was an attempt to sound smart, it failed miserably.
Yes, but the Pharma company that produces it desperately wants to market it as a Weight Loss drug, and for all the usual awful reasons, and to all...
No, you're having a conversation with an imaginary person in your mind. Which I'm thinking happens pretty often in your world.
No, I'm not at all. So, you know, swing in the wind douchebag!!!!
You're an idiot. And a lazy one at that. Nice attempt to derail, but it's not going to work. I'm not defending your cartoon of a religious faith....
Do you own legwork lazy ass!!! Why are you looking to me for your answers, or to do your "legwork"? You're the one obsessed with deities you unt....
This is fine and this is what the drug was intended for, but let's not mix your wife's case with who they really want to market to: The woman...
It's expensive, so Big Insurance doesn't want to pay for it. Also, you have it backward. Big Pharma would LOVE nothing more than to market this as...
Yeah, but do you honestly think some pill is the answer? It's funny, these are anti-diabetes medicines and you can tell the Pharma companies are...
Will be rooting against Cam Ward every day for the rest of my life. What a POS! But sooooo typical UM.
This question IS the problem. Reread the thread. I've answered this.
It's MAGA. By definition, STUPID. I take nothing any of them say seriously. Just morons moroning.
Cool. Spend your life looking for it. Perhaps you will find the "meaning of life". Me? I'm going to stick to more tangible things, like today's...
An athiest is SURE there is nothing supernatural. Everything is part of the natural world. Agnostics just don't know and, if like myself, don't...
Yes, hard pass on the humanized deity thing.
Hinduism is interesting because you can look at it metaphorically or literally and there's no real conflict. Christianity desperately needs some...
Go read Thomas Sowell. The North South IQ split is far more about where those various people came from. I.E. Puritans from SE England, or...
No dude, dumber. I know, I know, the FSB propaganda can be a bit tricky, but that was the point he was making. The hilarious part is how he...
He represents the Lunatic Fringe.