Pushing away strong allies certainly makes me feel safer ;)
What do we import from Denmark? Oh yeah, probably key tech that we need for the development and production of microchips or some other key...
China isn't taking Taiwan. I doubt they'll even try. Like Ukraine, this is about internal power and a strongman government needing to maintain...
Kind of a reach since this band of morons is the first to propose this (at least recently). Nobody with any sense would even consider it,...
Don't worry. The CCP can't afford California.
Anything for a lower tax bill, right?
It's going to be interesting to see what makes a good college GM. I can't imagine it's going to be a cut-and-paste thing from the NFL. Andrew Luck...
Or corporate America's power to buy policy, by most measures, bad policy for average Americans.
Or, if they don't have to build campaign war chests every two years, maybe they could just do that anyway. Chicken and egg, but IMO, the...
One side is getting money - almost exclusively to fund their campaign - the other is giving money in an effort to buy policy. If there is no money...
Agreed, but if there is no money to milk (or revolving doors, etc.) then there is nothing to extract. I don't think they go there with the intent...
You need a cap on donations more than term limits, which will just empower the lobbyists further. I mean, the average congressman averages 3-5...
What about a drive-on service?
Either way, Citizen's isn't there for "regular people", it's there to keep the market strong for the developers and real estate hacks (i.e. the...
Look at where the developers are from. Here in St. Pete, they are literally ALL from South Florida. Gee, I wonder what kind of (uninspired) plans...
Hell no! How will the South Florida developers sell those cracker-jack, prefab homes?
So much for the post-hurricane "exodus". Or maybe this is older data. Either way, we'll probably need a couple more to stem the tide here, if we...
16 Days. . . .
This. It was a moving target, which was always going to be problematic. The "problem" was making this political from the start. That's when I knew...
MAGA derangement. Are you really surprised? It's the same mentality that led us to Nikki Haley = Hillary Clinton. Face, it, MAGA is just drunk...