Could have had this. Instead we get The Douche and his band off Full-Blown Retards!
AND the evidence speaks for itself!!!! As usual, vapidly.
Wow, you just wrote four graphs in a reply to someone who didn't make it past the first sentence before he was already writing his Hannity talking...
It's a Russian agent. Why are you engaging with it? It is so classic FSB it's sickening. Like, it doesn't even try to hide it.
Cool. I'm sure she has some great ideas for expanding the plastic surgery industry in Florida. She clearly has a LOT of experience in this...
His dad.
Impeachment would be a stupid idea, even if you have the votes. In that scenario, just feed him rope and let him and his moron followers do the rest.
We got dumbass over Haley and DeSantis, so apparently you aren't reading this "movement" right. You could not be more wrong on No. 3. He could...
Yeah, but Vance is Musk's marionette. At least Trump has some agency and uses it to create chaos. Vance would just simp out and pave the way for...
Cool. You picking up the tab to reprint all those textbooks, maps, etc.?
The irony (or perhaps it's fitting) of that sentiment. Slavery - and the shitty and stagnant economy it creates - is the No. 1 reason the south...
It's so easy to overlook the mental aspect of QB and how much that plays into overall performance. But, again, I get it. If you could be "the one"...
Exactly. Zucc is just a giant gash who only cares about his money. That's why he took a great idea and ruined it. . . simply so he could shove...
Even that last part was sort of a "for now. . . " thing. They knew and fully expected it to change with the times, hence the amendment process.
A strategic country owned by our NATO ally, that purchases all its military kit (including F-35s) from us, who trains with us and holds operations...
But they're not even good at that and just use AI/Algorithms to do it for them. So, in the end, it just becomes insulting and intellectually...
Too late . Gone and never coming back. Would be so sweet if people could organize a "Quit FB" campaign and turn that POS company into smoldering...
Sweet! Another intelligence coup for us!
Well. . . yeah.
The whole cats vs. dogs thing is lost on me. We always had both as a kid and they got along fine. Don't get it. Cartoons maybe?