Whole foods and sprouts?
Thanks gov Desantis!!
Some teachers evidently will do what they can to push the envelope...56% proficient in math and 52% in reading. :emoji_grimacing:
So when prices on goods and services double in the next couple of years, we'll be really killin it!
'They can get you six ways from Sunday' seems pretty accurate in this case.
It's called libbie nuance. Speaking at a predominantly black college graduation, everyone there knew what he really meant...the biggest problem is...
LOL, fox are lightweights...Biden calls white supremacy ‘most dangerous terrorist threat’ in speech at Howard
Woo hoo, we won't be subjected to anymore of those damn campaign commercials for a few years. [IMG]
[IMG] Don Meredith singing...
Someone should put that sorry excuse of a law enforcement agency out of it's misery.
Not sure the FBI expected that reaction. :emoji_joy:
[MEDIA] Someone on the other end of the earpiece...shut this down!! :emoji_joy:
Scary shit.
LOL, you can't really believe if trump hadn't lost that any lefties would have come within 100 yards of a covid vaccine.
Good to know...:emoji_grimacing:
Top U.S. “Non-Profit” Hospitals & CEOs Racked Up Huge Pandemic Profits
Those types of videos could go on for hours, I'd say give it another two years or so to whitewash covid history completely.