I sure wish the DNC would sanction a debate between kennedy and biden...they could charge good money for it.
Pretty sure the PC names are now addadictomy and chopitoffomy.
Or deny you health care, think govt controlled or freeze your bank account, think CBDC...you best get your govt approved mind right or escape, all...
Yeah, it'll be a cold day in hell before you see any tranny's touring around the country deriding Muslims.
BO, I had insurance through work and had my wife and kid insured with UHC for less than 200 a month...hosed me bigtime.
Yeah obamacare screwed the pooch on healthcare costs.
If tranny's can't involve the kids, they have no real purpose.
Always amazed me that Americans are constantly pining for the govt to control their healthcare.
Approved hate.
Dude looks like a hobo...
Biggest travesty of justice in US history...if we had any actual media members left, that aren't on that list, it should be the lead story every...
[MEDIA] :emoji_joy:
The love just oozes from their keystokes.
What they haven't yet figured on is eventually Christians and Muslims will dominate our society...so let the heathens have their time in the sun....
Nearly a Third of Gen Z Favors the Government Installing Surveillance Cameras in Homes...
Covid outed all the chicom wannabe's...freedom's days are numbered.
LOL, you can't say the quiet part out loud...
Pubs will do what they do best, hold worthless hearings and send out sternly written letters.
But there's one kid he won't claim...would love to see some reporter have the balls to ask him about it.
What's the time frame for the shit show to get rolling? Before or after the 2024 elections?