Runners on the corners / 2 outs K/F/F - Mainolfi singles to shallow right/center. 1 in.
Man on 1B / 2 outs B - Dobie singles to shallow left. Runner on 3B.
Man on 1B / 1 out K/Ks - Cazorla pops out to 2B (in shallow center). Nice job, Cade!
Man on 1B / 0 outs Kc/F/F/Ks - MacDougall goes down swinging
Top of the 6th #21 RFr RHP McDonald on the bump Kc/B/B/Kc/F - Lujo singles up the middle
No one on / 2 outs Kc/F/Ks - Yost goes down swinging 0/0/0/0 Gators 7-0
No one on / 1 out Wilson pinch hitting for Nadeau (LF) F/B/B/Kc/F/Ks - Wilson goes down swinging
Bottom of the 5th New Earl is #26 So LHP LaPalm (9.00, 1-0, 2.0 IP) Ks/Ks/B/F/B/Kc - Cyr goes down looking
Man on 1B / 2 outs B/Kc/F - Zorn grounds out to 3B 0/2/0/1 Gators 7-0
Man on 2B / 1 out B/B - runner gunned down at 3B by Luke/Kc/B - DiMartini singles past short
No one on / 1 out B/B/B/Kc - Herberlie doubles to shallow right.
Top of the 5th. Peterson is done and now #22 Fr RHP Barberi comes in. 0.00, 0-0, 1.0 IP B/B/Luke out for a chat/Kc/F/Ks - Wouters goes down swinging
Man on 1B / 2 outs Ks/Kc - Heyman grounds to short and they get Lawson. 1/2/0/1 Gators 7-0
Man on 2B / 2 outs Old Earl is hanging in there @ 91 pitches Kc/B/B/B - Lawson singles up the middle. 1 in.
Man on 1B / 1 out K/B/B/B/Kc - Donay steals 2B/Kc - Kurland goes down looking
No one on / 1 out Kc- Donay singles off the pitcher
Bottom of the 4th Ks/B/Kc/B/Ks - Shelton goes down swinging
Bases loaded / 2 outs Kc/Kc/B/Kc - Mainolfi goes down looking 0/1/1/3 Gators 6-0
Men on 1B & 2B / 2 outs B/B/WP moves the runners up/B -Dobie walks
Men on 1B & 2B / 1 out Ks/B/B/Sully called the infield together at the mound, said about 3 words, and walked back/Ks/B/F/Ks - Cazorla goes down...