Top of the 6th New Earl is #13 So RHP Corbett F - Heyman singles to left
Man on 1B / 2 outs Kc/B/B/B/K/Ks - Masters goes down swinging 1/1/0/1 Gators 4-3
No one on / 2 outs B/F/B/B/B - Steidl walks
No one on / 1 out K/B/K/Kc - Delam goes down looking
No one on / 0 out Ks -Hodges lines out to right
Man on 3B / 0 outs Bastian scored on a balk
Bottom of the 5th B/B/K/K/B - Bastian triples to right
Man on 1B / 2 outs B/B/Kc/PB moves Kurland to 2B - Lawson flies out to center. 4/4/0/1 Gators 4-2
No one on / 2 outs B/B - Kurland singles to 3B
No one on / 2 outs Kc/B/B/F/B/F - Donay HOMERS
Well, coach, guess you should have pulled him. New Earl is #7 Fr RHP Hartman (0.00, 0-0, 1.0 IP) No one on / 1 out B - Shelton grounds out to P
Men on 1B & 2B / 1 out B/B/F/F/B - Boser HOMERS
Man on 1B / 1 out B/B/K/B/B - Yost walks
No one on / 1 out K/B/B/K/B - Nadeau singles up the middle
Top of the 5th Ks/F/K/B/B/B/Ks - Cyr goes down swinging
No one on / 2 outs B/K/K/Kc - Hentz goes down looking 0/0/0/0 JU 2-0