I appreciate the auditors, and like you, not a fan of the in your face approach. To me, no one quite does it like Jeff Gray (HonorYourOath Civil...
Do you, or did you, know Mark Dickinson, the former officer that runs the James Madison Audits YouTube channel? I enjoy his videos. When I get...
San Antonio, TX This week Accountability! I commend the swift action taken against 3 officers. Doesn't really fall under conspiracies and...
Generally, cops don't get fired until something goes public. If it doesn't go public, they don't get fired. For instance, some of these officers...
Also Rankin County, also involving at least one of the officers in the torture allegations.. [IMG] The mother alleges that Elward punched her...
More on some of the involved deputies... Deputies accused of shoving guns in mouths of 2 Black men Two of the men allege that Rankin County...
This is what its it's like in Mississippi, I guess. Here is a police chief dropping the N bomb while bragging about how many people he's shot....
Nothing justifies putting your service weapon in a handcuffed persons mouth and squeezing a round off. Anytime the police get brought up, it's...
The terminations come roughly two weeks after Michael Jenkins and Eddie Parker filed a lawsuit alleging six deputies entered their Braxton home in...
That's what my Friday moods look like
Since you broke the news, do you want to make a thread? Because if not, I am.
Holy shit! As the assault reached its peak, the lawsuit alleges, a deputy placed a gun in Jenkins’ mouth and shot him, lacerating his tongue and...
Daytona Beach Shores, FL Today Two officers jail 3 year old for pooping his pants. One of the officers previously jailed a 4 year old. The city...
@phatGator The True Story Behind 'We Own This City' How the GTTF terrorized the city of Baltimore The wide array of crimes the GTTF’s officers...
Understandable. I like them. But then again, I live on YouTube and would much rather watch it than cable. To me, nothing replaces watching these...
That's a good one. That movie may or may not have inspired the Baltimore Gun Trace Task Force, lol.
@gator_lawyer I believe this is tied to the 5th Amendment. You do not have to identify yourself, via name and birthdate or gov issued ID, unless...
Perez is Hispanic, and his passenger was a Brookside resident, also Hispanic, who didn’t have her purse with her, Perez said. The officer said he...
In the Phoenix case, this is assumed to be the Aggravated Assault. [ATTACH] And from another case currently in the spotlight, a K9 officer sics...
I found it odd that he can hear his voice through the divider, but couldn't put two and two together when he hit the brakes and a human body hit...