NewsWars is an Alex Jones site, right? lol
Just going to drop this here as a reference. This was On3 yesterday before the commitment: [ATTACH]
RIP. I heard about that this morning. I know that victim's dad, we work(ed) for the same company. I worked with him on a couple of projects. He...
Dang, nice article. Anyone who doesn't think that cops do pretty much whatever they with impunity and the system isn't built to protect them...
Never seent it.
It starts muted because he has just activated his body worn camera. The other mutes are most likely cursing and after the fact. Also, the cop...
Having 500 cops from the same department issue tens of thousands of fake tickets to non existant white people to try and skew the statistics so it...
What's edited?
Connecticut State Police It looks like up to a quarter of Connecticut's 1,300 officer strong State Police wrote fake tickets with the race...
I saw the video about this yesterday. I figured they had removed the ability to comment on their FB page, but when I went looking for it, I...
Lorain Police Department deactivated its social media accounts, considers app to engage residents | Chronicle Telegram The Lorain Police...
He'd never make it at a tough job like UPS or being a meter reader.
I used to live a few miles from there, I think. On Baymeadows between Phillips Hwy and San Jose Blvd.
An EMT buddy of mine told me that toddlers often shoot themselves because when they can't squeeze trigger the normal way, they turn the gun around...
San Marcos police sergeant driving with open beer killed woman in crash. Why wasn’t he arrested or punished? Hundreds of pages of records...
I was not familiar with this one. Thanks. This isn't the first time I've seen an interaction with the police and a deaf person. The fact that he...
I do keep the key it in and in the unlocked position while I'm driving around. I have a quick disconnect on my key ring and when I exit the jeep,...
That was the lawsuit. This happened in January. During the January 24 incident, deputies “forced their entry into the premises from several entry...
Before I read it, I'm going to guess... Aurora.
Officer for second Mississippi department implicated in alleged torture, shooting and attempted sexual assault of two men | CNN A second...