I was going to bring up the BoR and who/what it protects us from. But you beat me to it. Which in itself is kind of crazy to me, because the...
This has become circular. Bad cops behave badly. Technology catches up and catches more bad ones in the act. More scrutiny is upon them as people...
Out of curiosity, what rights are diminishing for cops?
I mean, right on the page before this one, a federal judge had to intervene on an entire state police force because they were violating motorist's...
That's quite the leap and I can't say I agree with you. I mean, I see the point you are trying to make, I just don't agree with it. Criminals are...
Nah, tell me how I, ValdostaGatorFan, am going to get a cop killed. Use yours words.
How exactly am I going to get a cop killed?
But have you ever played basketball in the hood?
Agreed. Circling back to "Back the Blue until it happens to you," I agree that we have contributed to this issue. As long as they were abusing the...
Sounds a lot like my OP
Yep, that's what I remembered. I think I'd rather be roughed up by an officer than face the wrath of a K9. Just yikes. Saw one a while back where...
Kansas State Police TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A tactic known as the “Kansas Two-Step” that’s been used by the state Highway Patrol for years to detain...
That one is blocked here at work, but the thumbnail displayed just long enough that I know exactly what video it is. If I remember correctly, I...
What's wild is that he was re-elected after that. Nevermind, not wild at all.. It actually is quite believable.
Yuba City, CA July 2023 --- [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] $20,000,000 Settlement awarded in July of 2023 Cops paralyze another man. “Stand up,...
Unabomber's cabin
Nailed it [IMG]
Columbus Co, NC 2023 Racist Sheriff is racist towards his own black officers. Resigns, re-elected, resigns again. There's a lot to unpack here....