He won't even be in the building.
Yes and no. CTG needs to be SCTG starting today until the investigation is completed and resolved one way or another. It would be a disaster to...
First, no, I'm not insane, but thank you for asking. Second, you originally said "coaches that commit a fireable offense." Now you're changing it...
1 in 500? Are you kidding? Have you ever spent time around jocks? Based on my high school football days, I'd say the odds of a head coach having a...
ESPN has done a good job adding more legal background than what The Alligator provided... Gators' Golden facing Title IX stalking probe
At this time, you separate Golden from the program and let the investigation proceed. Having him at games would be a disaster. We have very...
Well, yeah, I get that. But almost all employers of any size have codes of conduct expected of its employees. They address firing offenses which...
So do I, but only if he can clear his name.
I dunno, stalking and sending inappropriate pics. Not the same thing as talking about girls, is it?
That's clearly not the issue here.
Or if he denies it, give us reasons why.
What I'd really like to see is Golden call his own press conference, make a statement, and then take questions.
I don't know or use Instagram, but hacking of social media accounts does indeed happen. A lot. A good number of people I know have had different...
Whichever has the most experience. I believe it's Hartman.
Nope. You go with the Associate Head Coach, unless he's somehow implicated.
But it says right at the beginning of the Alligator article that the UF can't comment on or even confirm a Title IX investigation without breaking...
How is it mathematically impossible?
This being a Title IX issue, does that mean the women involved are UF athletes?
"In order to comply with federal law, UF can’t comment on or confirm any Title IX inquiries, complaints or investigations, according to a UF...
This is a disaster. Sounds bad. Really bad. But let's give him a chance to respond.