Great pick up. Welcome to Urban. Predictions about the season are a fool’s errand at this point, but in theory this team has all the pieces.
Yes. There is a real challenge to making the determination that x caused y, but I can certainly agree that both of these statements can...
If so, I would not agree them. Sure we should expect statistically lower rates of theft of a commodity when it is priced lower, but I certainly...
Looks like India has set a Reds franchise record by doubling in 7 straight games....
Of course it would be because the alternative is worse in their mind, but treating the Democratic Party as the sole cause of that fact takes that...
Better if Orange Man good?
Quick, add his score to our 2024 recruiting rankings!
Not to defend the choices of Hillary and Biden, but I don’t think we should move the onus of responsibility entirely from the actual voters. Those...
I agree, but it’s hard to imagine Biden stepping down at this point. Certainly not because he isn’t capable anymore. Perhaps if a new medical...
I am sorry. I did not mean to suggest that it’s unconstitutional for him to be president. I am saying is that he will act unconstitutional as...
Rarely has been uttered a more succinct description of Trump’s political agenda.
I think this statement demonstrates, more than anything else, an inability to inhabit an alternative perspective. I have long suggested that Biden...
Oh man, you gave me a scare, Ray! Glad to hear you’re being proactive with your appreciation. Well deserved for Growl.
In Anarchy, State, and Utopia, philosopher Robert Nozick contrasts “invisible hand” type theories with “hidden hand” type theories. Invisible hand...
Oh certainly. Perhaps I am not grasping the entire situation, but I understand Tilly’s point to be that believing Trump to be unacceptable...
Agreed. I get the same response when expressing my intention of voting third party. Maybe Tilly sounded a bit harsh with his first post about the...
Ah, I see now. You expected the industry average to be an average of rankings, but they slipped you a ranking of averages. Classic bait and switch.
Ha. Though this result should be expected since there is disagreement among the different rating systems. E.g.: #32 VBIII’s rankings: 46, 38,...
I would think neither the regular season nor post season should be completely ignored. As for your question, the winner of the tournament is, by...