I’m excited about the new Junger. His trilogy of War, Tribe, and Freedom rank as some of the best non-fiction books I’ve ever read. Highly...
Ha, I wish I wrote recommendations like that! PS: Just to be clear, I really liked Poor Things. It’s just so bizarre that I wouldn’t think it...
Thanks. I haven’t seen half of these. An anti-war movie certainly, but I can’t get over Paths of Glory. I also love Bridge over the River Kwai.
I liked the ending of the remake and the focus on the Japanese side. That said, I am intrigued the decision of the makers of the original not to...
Trumpism and libertarianism seem to me to fundamentally incompatible doctrines. This sentiment from FA Hayek sounds about as far from Trump as you...
Clearly an error must be a judgement call, and someone(s) must be put in charge of that judgement. The best judgements, IMO, come from a...
I believe DIII does not give scholarships. What is a D3 offer? Scholarships for Division 3 Athletes - StellaPop I believe it is true that a...
I believe this already exists in DII and/or DIII.
If all teams were exactly evenly matched, one would expect this number to be 75%. Interestingly, all disparities in team quality are captured in...
What makes a profession? I think at its core, a profession is derived from an action that creates value. This is why TV repairman was once, but no...
I never joke in posts. Except this one.
On the bright side, it guarantees half of them will be gone. :)
Cool chart. Where is Jackson at WR?
Obviously the Leak/Tebow partnership is legendary. Why is this so? I want to suggest that it worked not because of the change of pace aspect, but...
I don’t know anything about the matchup with Baylor, but clearly on paper this series favors Florida. One fun fact is that Baylor swept UCF while...
I only played playground ball. I was ok, never great. In graduate school at UC Santa Barbara, some of the biology dudes got a weekly pickup game...
The book was wonderful. I am curious about the show. Seems like you approve.
Nice contact by Mikey. Ok lets three outs.