Nonsense. The current Fed rate is 5.5% with inflation at 3%. The maximum Fed rate under Trump was 2.5% around the same time inflation hit 2.9%...
Not excusing Clinton, she was an idiot for saying it, but I'd say calling someone 'unhuman' is worse than calling them 'deplorable'. But where...
Here's a link from the publisher: Unhumans
Well I guess the message board doensn't allow Amazon links?
Turns out us liberals are unhuman, at least according to a new book called 'Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to...
It's honestly sad. Too many people have lost their minds in this country because of the Trump cult.
Their 'concern' for democracy might go over a little better if they weren't avidly supporting a guy who tried to overthrow our democracy.
The 14 million who voted for Joe because he was the only realistic candidate on the ballot? Don't feel bad. 13,999,999 of them are ecstatic with...
Downplaying the right-wing threat, as usual.
I love it when you make predictions. Keep 'em coming.
It won't be Kelly or any other sitting senator. Dems can't afford to lose the seat.
Given Biden's endorsement, it's pretty much a done deal that Harris will be the nominee. And she has a very good chance of beating Trump.
Mind blowing that he thinks Dems getting Biden to step aside is a coup and Trump having his goons ransack the Capitol in an attempt to prevent the...
That's the true Trump. Keep it up.
Yep. He can be the guy responsible for beating Trump twice now. That probably wasn't going to happen if he'd stayed in.
Right. Like declaring martial law to kill a bunch of protesters. Official act.
I don't know any Dems/liberals who weren't concerned about Biden's age, but he was the choice we were given and so we supported and defended him,...
Can you find one single post by a lib saying Biden was as sharp as ever?
Which is all they really care about. It's got nothing to do with democracy or hypocrisy. They just want an easy win for Trump.
It's a new low. Just a massive amount of bad faith, dishonesty, ignorance, and stupidity involved with their new-found 'concern' for democracy.