He's actually terrible at bullshitting people who aren't stupid. He's only good at bullshitting his gullible and weak-minded MAGA followers.
So you figure this proves that global warming isn't happening?
As expected, POS DeSantis is going after Gaddis by releasing his personnel records. The documents were provided to a Gainesville TV news station,...
Yep, Russia's doing it again.
Now, less than a day later, he's got about 2 year's salary in the gofundme. This guy Gaddis prevented DeSantis from slopping his pigs at the...
Best decision he ever made. Already has more than a year of his salary in a gofundme. Donate to Support an Ethical Whistleblower's New Start,...
I'm pretty much there. I'll enjoy the good times if we ever have any (in football) again. And I don't sweat the bad times anymore. Looking...
Well sure, if cherry picking is presenting data that shows the whole premise of this thread is incorrect, then it's cherry picking.
No, I only pointed out that your link shows that CA added about 4000 fast food jobs between Jul 2023 and Jul 2024. You disagree with that? Look...
Your highly biased link shows that California added about 4000 fast food jobs between July 2023 and July 2024.
I was trying to get you to understand the distinction between 'inflation' and 'inflation rate', which you clearly didn't understand based on your...
Here's a handy guide to help you understand the difference between the inflation rate and inflation: inflation rate of 1% = inflation inflation...
You clearly don't understand the concept of inflation. To say 'inflation isn't going down' is meaningless. Prices either go up or they go down....
The reason so many Subways are closing is that Subway sucks.
And You are certainly entitled to yours.
Stop being a music snob.
The country is way better off now than when Trump was president. Millions more jobs, real wages higher, 401Ks higher, our standing in the world...
Weird post for Trump. It's not in all caps and it's not littered with misspellings and incorrect grammar. And lines like 'yet she hates Israel...
I've had him blocked for a while now. That guy is triggered by any and every post that expresses a view different from his own. This is not a...
Trump v Pol Pot would be a tough choice.