So tripling the real sq footage of a property? That would be fraudulent.
What a non inclusive holiday. Shouldn’t it be an all citrus day?
Crimson tides certainly are.
Apparently Bezos like gross. Money doesn’t buy taste.
Herman Munster the presiding judge?
I think it funny that the f16 is causing the Russians to quiver in fear. Isn’t that a 50 year old design?
Reminds me of bush v gore. Florida ended up close to a tie but bush got a couple hundred more votes. Gore wanted to only recount where he thought...
I think not. Our nation works better when the two parties are strong and sane. Compromise is a good thing not sure how it became a curse word.
That is the dirty secret about immigrants they are the only ones who can keep our Ponzi scheme of a retirement system going.
Oh I get it you think god actually did something supernatural and that it wasn’t raw ergotrate which was being used here. So you actually believe...
so if one doesn’t follow your version of the Bible, one could be eternally damned. But wouldn’t that go for any of the 660 odd commandments?...
Well it assumes that all women are unfaithful. The Bible treats women horribly. Let me know in the future which version of the Bible you are...
So read verse 27. You don’t see how it says it will clear her womb. If not of a baby what is it going to clear. I will leave off all they mysoginy.
Holy wow. You can read English and not understand what you are reading. I guess that’s why they call it blind faith.
My apologies. I get confused when people say ridiculous things I am never sure if they are joking or insane.
I don’t think that is accurate.
Yep I left out the part of it’s the husbands decision not the woman’s. It’s absolutely despicable is what it is.
So explain to me how a forced miscarriage differs from an abortion. One is medically induced the other is herbally induced. how about it’s none...
Read where I quoted the actual passage. Granted it’s after thousands of years telephone but it is instructions on how to abort an unwanted child.
Well evangelicals are the base of the modern Republican Party and trumps support. Republicans are for cutting almost all aid for single mothers. I...