There wouldn’t be the problem if government wasn’t paying for the press in the first place.
I worry about the government paying for any press. I know that no one does it for free but government funding it just feels wrong to me.
Gary Habermas is not well respected and has never published outside of apologetics journals. He quotes Bart Ehrman in one of his books and Dr...
I started listening to NPR maybe 30 years ago so I didn’t have to listen to commercials. I stopped when the pledge drive happened more often and...
This is so blatant. If he isn’t elected president he is going to be reemed by the SEC. Stock pump and dumping is not going to end well for diaper Don.
Your two quotes from habermas a professor at Jerry Falwell founded liberty university make me think that he has suspect ways of acquiring data.
the unemployment rates measure what they measure. They are consistent. There are about a dozen different employment measures. It is tough to find...
It’s another place where government regulation isn’t needed.
I agree on hating drunk drivers. I think we should lock them up for decades if they are caught but I hate cops fabricating evidence more.
Did they ever test the cup or his blood for alcohol? The cops were proven to be liars. Why would we take their word for anything.
If there was alcohol in the cup why didn’t they test it or his blood?
And it’s the number one issue for who? We will find out in less than 6 months.
If you haven’t seen him my guess is he has you blocked. You are a reasonable poster on the sports boards but you seem to only post on too hot when...
So my now ex wife was the pharmacist at plaza drugs in downtown Atlanta. A homeless guy wanted some Percocet and said he lost his prescription....
I am thinking if this actually happened. The guys have learned that saying something like that will guilt some people into giving them money or...
If we are a net exporter isn’t the strategic petroleum reserve redundant.
Just one open bottle found. I have read reports that he had other unopened bottles in the car but they weren’t logged. He also had a lidded cup....
Okay we have seen all the cops camera footage now I presume. Why should anything be believed that the blond cop says because she was caught lying...
And if not in jail, out thousands of dollars for a defending driving by a cop with an attitude.
And if they “smell” alcohol and they can force you to do the acrobatics of a dui check. I think the punishment for dui should be 20 years in jail...