Write in Mickey Mouse so Iboy will be happy.
Is there a contact number or email address where I can find out how to get on the list to help increase the population in China? Asking for a friend.
All great suggestions. When I was a cop we called it,,,, DWHUA. Y’all figure it out. :)
First paragraph yes. Second,,,, How will you cook your food without a gas or electric range? I’ll hang up and listen as this is going to be...
I agree on one of the two positions.
So it’s a “troubling” global trend when someone causes their own death? I feel a spin coming on this particular incident.
You’re right I’m not railing at spending govt. funds on healthcare issues. I’m against subsidies for businesses like sugar farmers, etc. if you...
lol at the bacon.
As more autos hit the road so will accidents. My questions are was he the driver, driving recklessly, and responsible for his own death?
Your comment was a blanket statement. I just disagree from my personal experience. I’m not a fan of “forever” subsidies that prop up business....
I didn’t realize only democrats approve of energy independence. I learn something every day.
you added Haley to the poll. Thanks
I don’t prefer Trump or Biden over Haley and that’s not a choice.
I think about what I’d say to people the first time I met them in a job/business setting if I were working and not retired. Probably acknowledge...
One hell of a shock wave from that blast.
That’s a shame.
FIFY. ;)
I believe this. There’s no way President Biden can type while reading a teleprompter. No way.
Damn Florida man at it again.