Don’t know the specifics just that there’s a post about admissions on another gator site.
Every time I see a “donut spare” on a car in a parking lot I cringe.
yep. They won’t allow you to exceed the speed limit either.
I watch local Bay News 9 every day. Then ABC World News Tonight with David M. I refuse to watch tabloid news like CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NEWSMAX, etc....
That’s my guess.
Read just now on another gator site. My daughter was not accepted into UF. She has a 4.48 GPA. She already has 48 college credit hours. She has...
Where do you think covid came from?
Crazy world we live in. Sadly entertaining in the wrong ways.
I hate to admit you are right.
I’m a slow passer who only drives 5 over the limit. This bill would make me ripe for a ticket.
When I think of China I see lipstick on a pig. Looks a little better but still a pig.
Jim Cantori just wet himself.
Give me Condi and call it a day.
We live in bizarro world.
Flushing lake O is like flushing a toilet full of crap. Sad. I sold my condo on the beach for 2 reasons, hurricanes (flooding) and red tide....
I don’t donate to any candidate.
I still can’t set my DVR to record.
Not a single one so far.
I have no idea what I just read.
I have no idea what you’re talking about so you got me there. lol My guess is Limbaugh