Florida has a convicted felon in possession of a firearm statue. They used to have a mandatory 10, 20, life gun statue that was eliminated. What...
Suggestion. Lock your doors. Fwiw, glad you made it unscathed.
Biden's speech was very Trump like. Flip the two and you’d have the same reactions and complaints. We’ve gotten to the point in politics to where...
Add a yard sign “This is a gun free home”.
Neither are American owned companies. If you like drinking carbonated pi$$ Bud is your beer. Tik Tok I can’t comment on as I don’t use it.
Only in Amerika
Uh oh. Now you went and made her mad. Says she’s going to vote Trump to cancel out your vote for Biden. You crazy democrats are your own worst...
Agree. Something about who she married. Lol
My wife and I voted for Trump twice. It will not happen again. (Wife hates him)
Good news for this year.
Or laughing at the silliness.
You can thank RBG for pushing the court farther right. Hung on so Trump could name 3 justices. Demcrats are their own worst enemy.
My wife loves living in Florida so I think we will stick around.
Nothing I said is an ad hominem attack on ETN, just facts. I even said he was our best runner. Sorry I upset you and apologize.
Need to stick with Tide pods.
I think it’s their crappy beer. And who cares since they aren’t even an American owned company?
Everyone’s a victim one way or another these days.
The issue is the QB has the option to change into a pass play if the defense shows certain looks. You can’t do that with ETN. That takes away some...
Problem is ETN had his faults that he ignores. He was RB2 for a reason. Not blocking well on pass plays and one big running out of bounds when it...