Sort of cool that he is acknowledging that he and his supporters comprise the Swamp.
Does this make you more inclined to vote for Joe Biden....given that all that that Trump guy did on immigration was for show?
There were some very fine people on both sides of that racially motivated graduation assault.
Are you being a victim again......but on Caitlin Clarks behalf? It's so saddening to see how much of a victim you are. #NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!
No you're not. You're clearly in the cult of the felon, rapist adulterer, and you've made that perfectly clear. You're as "open to future...
A criminal versus a guy who is pretty reasonable, but too old? Oh wait - the old guy has a VP who served as Attorney General of the most populace...
Proper time to point out that it's a cult?
Have the Trumppublicans started protesting yet?
^ To put on ignore or not to put on ignore? Definitely annoying. But kind of want to see the next violent outburst over Rape Daddy being found...
Vile. Who could vote for anything that associated with that? Trumppublicans like it though. Because they're really, really angry, because...
Which she quit about 2 years in. So your hero VP candidate had been governor for less than 2 years when she ran as VP candidate, and mayor of...
Can only imagine the orgasmic glee if this supporter of an un-American criminal insurrectionist had been able to post about supporting the team...
Who really cares? You want to apply some sort of rational or objective criteria......but your party is running an insurrectionist who tried to...
He could choose a lamp shade and it would be a better option than a ticket headed by a convicted felon.
Tbh, I don't know about that. I'm also not sure that that has the relevance you may believe, if even true. I do know strongly believe that by...
Mad props for quality multi-account trolling. That's all.
I get tired of this being accepted as true. What's the basis? Ad revenue generating sources? Clicks? Views? We all know the scope of Fox...
That's called an election. Where a huge amount of people appear certain to vote for the adulterous felon rapist. The trial is a different thing,...
Because he followed the Grand jury's recommendation and indicted your draft dodger rapist hero?
Oh no! The criminal organization known as the Republican party will now start to investigate Democrats?!!!!