Shhh. I'm busy collaborating with people on how to turn you gay. Because that would be better than the current status where you vote... dropping bombs on a school. (did you really type that)
??? One party hides among kids. One (other) party bombs people hiding among kids. = "Only one party is to blame for that." ????
No need to hash it out again. Suffice it to say, there are better ways of implementing a plan just killing a lot of people than ways that result...
Who could defend this in the first place. We can probably guess at the long term plan; have the United States pay to rebuild Gaza. Then do this...
Should have been locked up already.
What the heck is this guy even saying? Keep smoking kids until Hamas doesn't put fighters near some kids? Any second now we can expect to...
But they're right about to win this thing, and implement that awesome lasting peace plan that Netanyahu has clearly outlined. This permanent...
LOL, I want to thank you - people like you are (half of) the reason I come to this forum. For the laughs, of course. (I enjoy quality info from...
^Sweet Jesus, are these posts really happening?
If you wear make-up, a hairpiece and a fake tan, but claim to love Jesus, then none of these rules apply. Then you can be a manly man and cheat...
Honestly think that the next topic this dude posts on that doesn't include something to the effect of "I was surprised to learn that everything...
Indeed you could. Reply with a classless post, that is. What you could NOT do, however, is accurately state that I supported an adulterous,...
To be fair, though, he was running against an adulterous rapist criminal, who was also a Russian asset. So there is that...
^ Votes for a guy who raw dogs porn stars, while married. Is also rilly rilly concerned about STDs. Whats next, this Trumppublican will...
Felons can't be trusted to carry a firearm. Now about those nuclear codes.... NYPD preparing to revoke Donald Trump’s license to carry a gun...
^ Supports a guy who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. Complains about shoplifting.
Also : Now that I finally read a damn thing about it, I'm coming to realize that Trump is a criminal.
Ya think? He enacted a criminal conspiracy to steal and KEEP government secrets and he has a judge and an entire political party criminal...
Are people really debating with someone who doesn't even understand the role of the DOJ in prosecuting people? It's actually rather telling : he...