This is obviously totally open to debate and semantics. They are intending to harm Hamas, but doing so knowing a whole whole lot of women,...
Yeah, most definitely. And a HUGE amount of people need to evaluate whether being a fake tough guy, untrained firearm owner should really be one...
Your post is total bullcrap. Republicans favor every law possible that makes it EASIER for untrained, unqualified people to purchase and carry...
I'm not going to get into the weeds with you, when any follower of the news ahould know the facts. Republicans enable gun proliferation and...
There's a pretty direct correlation between pro-life people also being pro-gun proliferation. Pro-gun death proliferation. In other words,...
Very cool. Micheal Crichton supports Trump supporters, and the organization that defends and enables his crime? Interesting, I guess. This is...
Wait, what ?! One political party doesn't do every single thing it can to ensure proliferation of firearms, to limit background checks, to...
Negative, your false comparison is rejected. Biden is a very lawful man who just has a son who is not, and committed some minor misdeeds....
Shootings like this are just the price we pay for living in a society that is so safe, because we can defend ourselves with firearms....
Oh, you are still here. Seemed like you had run away after being shown that the Republican Senate Intelligence committee found that the Trump...
The best part about this is : how stupid does one have to be to believe this. "The Congo has just released a lot of people from jail," Trump said...
I'm voting for the standard scurrying away. Who needs facts when there's a really cool makeup wearing, fake tanned dude with a hair piece talking...
No, not necessarily. Try to post with accuracy please. Also, anyone clicking like on such a disputable post needs to reevaluate their...
After you've read that, could you please tell us how you feel supporting a candidate who knowingly accepted help from Russia in an election....
Sure. You need to read more, though. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump campaign's interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016...
I'd be interested to know if coke boy Donald Jr. could be found guilty of the same charges as HB.
You are aware that the Republican Senate Intelligence Committee found that the Trump campaign knowingly accepted help from Russia, right? Oh,...
^ Watch that show. Trust me.
Good. So they're no threat, and it's no longer "open season." You just posted something calling this crap "open season", even though it's...
Wow, that is just aBsOlUtElY iNsAnE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That appears to be........a train full of college kids or college age people who are...