No, I think it's mostly because he's a hate-monger and a criminal.
No, but you should take the time off and go read something. Are history books OK to read or are they all "hard tilted" now too? Is there any truth...
LOL. Hard tilt left. So you don't know about the loonie right media, and you don't read the legitimate journalism either, because it's just so...
LOL. Yeah, sure buddy. I read the majority of my Sunday Washington Post today. It was certainly not that ^. Now you be sure to digest every...
You have a way with words. You ought to write kids' books. As an aside: that debate was ****** awesome, and I don't know why it doesn't get much...
The criminal organization formerly known as the Republican party doesn't care about the long term good of America. Only holding power.
A great post. Personally, I disagree with some though; tribalism in MAGA is a feature, not a bug. Otherism is a substitute for policy....
Oh no - now you've made me feel bad. Ya see, I ALWAYS so value the opinion of supporters of a criminal organization, whose mission is to support,...
Americans are so ignorant that we enjoy very cheap cell phones and massive flat-screen TVs that are foreign manufactured, have state governments...
Respectfully disagree. Jesus Christ himself could have run in the Trumppublican primary and those clowns would have found a reason to justify...
Interesting. By who?
I would suggest that a good starting point would be to cease repeating false right-wing narratives such as that the media "disinforms." Unless it...
So more likely that Biden will be alive in 2028 than that Trump is not incarcerated, should he lose the election and no longer have unethical...
Or else we'll possibly end up with something as horrible as the last four years under Joe Biden?
So their students have relatively more academic minded parents, who are more involved in their children's education. That's a problem with...
I read a posted article about the newer FL law regulating voter registration by organizations. It said this: It subjects organizations to a...
I used to believe in that tunnel also, until they initiated construction on a new light rail line behind my house in Maryland and I became pretty...
Sweet Christ, are we going to soon have to put up with the brainless cult foisting this never-employed loser upon us next? Maybe he can get back...
But only one is a ******* criminal.