Don't feed the troll. People have started ignoring him on the Ukraine thread so he is spreading crap on other random threads.
Certainly pathetic.
The pravda guys have taken to putting pro russian comments on other random threads. Hilarious and pathetic.
Despite those here trying to downplay her actions or saying it is not a big deal, she probably has torpedoed her VP chances. Kristi Noem up in...
This thread reads so much more coherently when you skip over the Pravda Pumpers.
Yeah, but he would toss in something useful every now and then. Now, it's all just bitterness and lies.
Man, years ago you at least used to add some value to your posts every now and then. Now you do do nothing but whine and lie. Have some...
The Indian food is insanely good.
Why would you engage this poster? He's trolling.
Yeah, we are on something like day 800 of Russia's 3 day war. Whatever happens in Ukraine, Russia lost once it stretched out to over a month.
Lot of great info on what started as a trolling thread. Too bad OP just posts nonsense for attention and won't actually read or understand any of...
That's going to make the Pravda crowd on this thread sad.
You know O&B is just doing his normal troll, don't you? How can any MAGA talk about being pro police after 06Jan? Guy trolls, just ignore him.
Credit to the CIA team, but military ops are never a slam dunk (except maybe in the movies.)
Agreed, big jump but as you probably saw, he is incredibly intelligent. Did some time as chancellor in the U Texas system but had health problems.
I always get a kick out of the old first post "off topic"
I had hopes that Admiral McRaven would go into politics but it never happened. I can understand why he didn't, was just hopeful.
Yup, and not a very good one at that.
I am glad you are conceding your nonsense position. What started out with me questioning your blanket statement about politics in schools somehow...