Thank you sir. I've always thought I was a pretty good friend, but some things over the last year have caused me to reflect and do some deep...
I didn't see this post, some good stuff in here.
Yeah, definitely not due to my travel planning. Trying to be a better friend. Horrible time at the airport (I had to park in off site parking...
Well played.
Man, I had to pick up someone at ATL this weekend and it was brutal. Well, more brutal than normal for ATL anyway.
So, you are good being in last place? And again, that is lifespans, not healthspans. You shouldn't have to caveat with "considering our health"....
Seems like you are being very generous with the term analysis.
I see the putin pumpers are now spamming this thread. Good to see people ignore him here too. What a maroon.
It is off the charts with emergency care, but clearly not that amazing since we have one of the worst lifespans compared to most other developed...
Well, you say the government ruins everything it touches but Tricare has been pretty awesome for me and my peers. Our current system isn't...
Yes, let us be thankful for those who served and are still serving. Let us also remember that Memorial day is all about those that paid the...
Federal gov't has been handling my insurance for 42 years, been great so far. Not sure how it would be if expanded, but I am very happy. Check...
We spend more on healthcare than any other country and have the shortest lifespan by a long shot. Incredibly broken system. [ATTACH]
Walmart, Target and Amazon slashing prices. Doesn't do anything for me, but has to be good for many....
Saw this on instagram as the Boeing Zamboni. [MEDIA]
Funny you agree with his post but voted him "off topic".
Aside from the cop being an A-Hole, isn't it a huge hassle (paperwork) to discharge your service weapon? Maybe one the the ex-cops on here can...
Absolutely blows my mind that the Republican party has come to this. All the mental gymnastics and bullshit they tell themselves and others that...
Probably can google that so I'm not going to comment. But the saying when I rode Nuke SSBNs was that we effectively became the third most...
Yeah, wouldn't have gone over well with the crew or the wife. But even my wife noticed how gorgeous they were.