Yeah, he was just calling for calm and letting our legal system work and he gets roasted. In case you couldn't tell from our local group of...
Shocking, she seems to be such an asset to the state. ;)
And he was immediately attacked by the head of the RNC.
Yeah, seeing people like 92, Louisiana.... getting more unhinged with each post is absolutely hilarious. Take a second to think what their...
How is pole watching going to help?
It's a horrible look when he commits 34 felonies and doesn't stand trial. He chose to break the law. Sorry that doesn't "look good".
I don't suppose there is any way the Republicans could pull out the rug from this idiot and get an adult to run against Biden.
Yeah, I would have thought hung jury. Had to be pretty solid to be convicted.
No crap. Amazing how dense some people are.
How unhinged you are right now is amusing as hell. Second best thing I've seen all day.
The only thing I have learned from thousands of Duggers_Dad posts is that I feel sorry for Dugger. Kid never stood a chance.
Yup, he could win the lottery and all he would do is bitch about taxes. Unless trump was in office, then he only won due to the orange one.
MAGA doesn't have answers. Just victimhood and scare tactics. It would be grand if the Reps could ditch the idiots and get back to governing.
A person is either pro America or pro Trump. You can't be both.
He won't feel bad about it. He uses out of context, crap sources to live in his asinine echo chamber.
Funny, but didn't need that visual.
Trump and family love them some Chinese money. Jared Kushner's family criticised for touting cash-for-visas scheme in China
Should be open, but not sure. My son uses it from Tech to the airport but Marta doesn't really serve where i live in Cobb County. That would...
Yeah, humility I didn't have when I was younger. Blessed to have incredible people around me with like interests and values.