It's interesting, I hadn't really noticed the increase in food prices until my youngest was home for summer. Boy can eat. Edit: I did notice...
Data or evidence!! You're funny.
Trumpsters hate when America does well. They would be much happier if crime was out of control (which, if you are stupid enough to watch fox, is...
Obviously. You can't be a trump supporter and a patriot.
You are not going to be a poll watcher or do anything useful or remotely civic minded. Election Day is a 16 hour workday that is either volunteer...
As I said in another post, trump and his followers have nothing to do with being a conservative. When a thread likes this uses his own words to...
Spot on. Most of the modern GOP has nothing to do with conservatism.
He rates your post as funny, but I don't see him responding to his extreme gullibility.
And this is why trump has rabid followers. He tapped into the "dumb as a box of hammers" crowd and is riding that wave of easily duped people.
My old boss is a avid skier and has a beautiful place in JH, I don't ski but I wander up there quite a bit to hike. The loop around Jenny Lake...
I heard an interesting podcast on Satanism. I think most of hard right "Christians" fare worse than satanists that are following the tenets of...
He appears threatened by a lot things. Must be a pathetic life.
Yeah, going to make life very difficult for many in that part of the state and you know this isn't a quick fix. I may be up there at the end of...
Pravda crowd gets testy when they are ignored. Post after post after post and no reaction is rough when you are a troll.
This thread is so much more informative once you get used to scrolling past the pravda shills.
Yeah, it's a massive upset of a traditional powerhouse cricket team by USA. But, is the USA cricket team hotter than the Swedish Soccer team?...
Play stupid games..... Kills me that he was a Naval Officer back in the day. What a POS he turned out to be.
Yeah. I'm hoping this spate of ridiculous posts are not actual Gator graduates.
You are using Macgregor as a source? I take it you are not very well read.
Reasoning with a troll is not going to work.