If we can’t go hard after a guy named “Storm Duck”, what business do we have fielding a team….
someone needs to let retail in on that bit of information
Discipline and heart. What I believe are two key components to CBN’s strategy.
Glad we got an LB coming early too.
May be the most well written transfer announcement in the history of transfers
A long way from Live Oak
I certainly won’t call you on it. Not in my memory bank.
90/91. I believe UF caught the Bus in ‘93
After UF, Darnell was DC at ND, before moving to TX. And I believe Galen was OC at Penn State. But not sure if there was another stop in between....
Does everyone else think Chiz is basically a coach-in-waiting
for bonus bonus, what was that coaches next gig?
Gary Darnell. next
Over twenty years, I’m good. Don’t ask me about yesterday.