Rent free. Without trying. (or caring. ) Sad. Also; what's it like to start a thread and over the course of about a week....... have so few...
I'd be very interested to see you cite what Fauci is guilty of.
The delusional ones who know nothing of the law probably think that. So, ya, that's a lot. But with him receiving appx 90 felony indictments in...
I disagree. Voters won't care. Just look at how many cast a ballot for a literal felon in 2024.
There's much accuracy in this post, where you cite errors, on multiple fronts, which resulted in Democrats not putting their best candidate...
Perhaps. But then everything Trump did in his first term (granted, it's not much) should be nullified because he only got elected with help from...
Cool. There's no telling what might happen when the country is about to inaugurate a criminal who has displayed a pattern of abusing government...
Many people are calling it Day of the Rapist.
It’s weird that his supporters don't mind a guy telling lies right to their faces. The 2020 election: Trump lamented what could have happened if...
It seems like you're emphasizing the idea that elections reflect broader societal trends and that the Electoral College system ensures a diverse...
They'll be cupping Donald tenderly again, probably within a day or two.
Con versus legitimately caring about what's best for the country.
Statistics prove that they do not commit crime more than citizens. And appx 8-9 million hold jobs. So if they were all deported, the economy...
nObOdY cAn pOsSiBLy hAvE aNy iDeA !!!!!!!!!! iT's CrAzY !!!!!!
I have a great idea of a rational estimate. I've posted it for you before. Then you ran away from the conversation. Just like you're trying to...
"How does the US economy perform in the absence of those workers?"
Fairy tale world is more comfortable for Trump supporters. Just watch this guy dodge attempts at rational discourse.
So you have no idea whatsoever? You're an informed, educated, and intelligent man, right? You've read things. What do you think the number...
So instead of running away you're going to go with a stall/change the subject strategy? Tell us then, please? How many illegal immigrants do you...
DC is getting ready to give Trump the welcome that a sexually assaulting felon deserves. [ATTACH]