I'm pretty sure that Chicoms have transformed themselves into Oli's. (Just not that fraudulent billionaire one. All the rest.) C'est la vie.
LOL. Lifezette? How do you even know about that website? Certainly you don't read it, right? Do you read something that refers you to that crap?
Really? Explain, please?
Ya, he's calculating the political payoff right now. Maybe a financial interest as well, somehow. Obviously has no concern for America's best...
Ridding red states of dog eaters wouldn't be targeting those states, it would be helping them. At least according to the Trumpy false narrative....
Hard to be sure, but that's quite possible. What we can be sure of is that Trump is an admitted and adjudicated sexual assaulter, a felon, and...
He obviously won't do anything of the sort. Because those people are mostly white he's just lying. But those are two very good ideas, that would...
I'd like to see Trump start by clearing out all the illegals from red states. Those are the people that most want it to happen. Who voted for...
We pretty much call all of that you exaggerating or making stuff up. Also; they're eating everyone's pets. Dontcha remember?
Lawfare!! (with "FAKE NEWS! being held in reserve)
Bear in mind that you're talking to people who voted for a guy who literally told them lied to them that schools were performing sex change...
Funny to watch MAGA pretend that Trump's not a criminal or un-American, one transgression at a time. (For eight years.) The rest of America is...
But Trump is also old and senile, and only thinks about stealing things, adultery, and committing sexual assault.
Is this a good or bad thing now? Trump responsible or Biden?
You got the years wrong. Trump totally botched covid, by choosing to repeatedly lie to the country about it. Biden bailed us out after that.
Oh. Weird post. At least you got to do a GIF.