Russia’s vaunted T-14 super tank a Total bust and is yanked from theatre. Putin Is Embarrassed: Russia Withdraws its 'Best' T-14 Armata Tank...
unless it’s a 150’+ motorboat it’s not an offshore boat. It may be an out of sight of the coast boat on a nice day. Offshore boats are some but...
he’s got a Backpfeifengesicht for sure. I’m adding him to the list. Worried that I might break my hand though. There’s a lot to be done.
I misspelled its “Elie”. I assume it’s biblical
What if Tommy Tubbervile doesn’t actually live in Alabama? What’s the remedy? Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville Might Actually Be Living In...
Well she’s a he so….
Me might have, he makes some bone headed decisions but sounds like Agent smith might already have the deets from counter parties. Prosecutors...
Elle Honig does it all the time on CNN
Should be charged with sexual assault on minor..
For Vacation? Didn’t have time to go to Spain properly. Wanted to go out of the country. Done Costa Rica, Jamaica, and Aruba not interested in...
Per a quest on Lawrence O’Donnell love that guy). Agent Smith was more than likely going after Trumps DM’s to other coconspirators. Trump learned...
Nah, these people might be easily led morons but they’re autonomous (barely) human beings who harbor hate and loonyness . Might be tragic for...
As a reasonable person I think we can all get behind looney, bigoted meal team six types performing suicide by FBI. Just so happens they’re all...
Apropos of nothing, Regressives love to talk confidently about things they have not a freaking clue about. Especially the law and the economy.
interesting I’ll read up on it. Ultimately I need to be somewhere near the action.
What a heart warming story! I Googled for his pic. He’s a fat old Meal Team Six type. LOL. Thie impending civil war is going to be over in the...
Without googling it I think the locks serve to raise the ships to a big inland freshwater lake and seawater doesn’t enter it. I guess I’ll find...
I solved that problem shortly after I recognized that (hot) women avoid cocktail lounges with stools.
I’ve not seen it but to be fair to me I don’t go to bars with folding chairs. I’m sure this is a thing in those bars…