Let me spell it out for you I DON’T CARE IF YOU ARE GAY. I’d just prefer not her see your fantasies laid out in thread after thread. It’s kind...
That’s just weak. Something a 12 year old might retort with. I’m not the poster who .creates thread after thread intimating so and so is gay. I...
There’s zero hope for the ilk.
Wherein the OP laments that Obama won’t make love to him. The projection at this point is just sad. My reasonable advice? Be who you are, no one...
Looks like Trump really loved Ivanka. Letting the grass and shrubbery overgrow her grave though won’t stop Agent Smith from digging her up....
Deflation! Smart! But let’s see how inflation under Biden is doing vs say the G7 leaders, shall we? Infographic: Which G7 Economies Have the...
:p I drive German cars. It all very reasonable for the first 50K.:p
Swing and a miss. I have no debt. I should carry it but I bought in a home in foreclosure in downtown Tampa in 2011 for cash and it’s more than...
Past time to get these guys home. If you have leverage but are unwilling to use it you have no leverage. Looks like a well constructed deal....
They’re rotten too. I hope the FBI keeps an eye on them. It’s not without precedent as an example the a cousin of the Uvalde shooter was just...
But wait! There’s more to the story! Ex-Trump doc Ronny Jackson’s arrest followed threats against state trooper: report Jackson threatened to...
I use Grand Manier.
I sorry to hear no one will give you a credit card! They do expect to be paid back if you use the line. However I wasn’t referencing your micro...
so everything’s good eh? Thanks for the update!
Now black people are going to be smiting racist crackers with chairs all the time. This women almost found out [MEDIA]
Biden has the deets on Trump’s conversations with Putin (the ones Trump ordered hidden). Be a shame if he declassified them…....
Apparently the folding chair was invented by a black man in 1911. Dude was a visionary.
A communique from one of the incarcerated [MEDIA]
Chillout, to each their own. I’ve sailed and raced sailboats all my life got no use for powerboats They are fine for what they do but they’re...