Bleed them dry.
Years ago when I was a young un maybe 8th grade I had the pleasure of coming across book called “Six Days of the Condor”. Later became the movie...
Not to mention the horrific porn and violence
nice! Link to story he naturally dumped Trumps lawyer who most certainly didn’t represent his best interests. Mar-a-Lago Tech Director Retracts...
LOL. I’ll get right on it. Right after the Farmers Almanac.
good thing I pay no attention to that silly book written by deeply uninformed men
Look at him.
In a manner of speaking they’re exterminating themselves. Just taking way too long
Just looking at that mouth breathing troglodyte I can tell he’s got a room temperature IQ.
While the race bit raises interesting questions I didn’t call you a white nationalist. Pretty clear though that you’re an aggrieved “Christian”...
Sure thing dude.
Wut? The bold bits. The race bit was a nice insight as well. Seems like they spoke to everyone else too.
No accusation. Your post spoke for itself. It’s Spain or Portugal. I’m checking out Panama this week but I”m an elitist so I’ll probably end up...
I see your confusion. Not being an annoying evangelical Christo type I don’t go around loudly braying about all the good things I way or may not...
I don’t care what you do or who you claim to do it for. I’m referring to your bs post which you are desperately spinning away from. People...
Cool story bro and keep on keeping on serving the underserved aggrieved white community
No women This is total bullshit but it’s all you got, so…….. Edit sprinkling a little aggrieved white nationalist crap in there is a new low.
Wut? 62% support Trump, 16% support DeSatan. 6% support that freaking punk Ramaswarmy. The silent GOP “majority” are all Independents now and...
Deep thoughts on SNL did it better… [MEDIA]
Wut? They are all incredibly stupid people. The depths of their stupidity can not be measured by instruments known to man. He tells them he’s...