I”m withholding judgement till I see what the “lawyer” has to say..
Some optics really bug me. Like the optics of a “lawyer” posing as a lawyer.
All lies. But it’s pretty bush league, you aren’t in the class of Goebbles, Ramaswarmy or even Baghdad Bob. Try harder…
Ostrich gotta ostrich…
I’m in Panamá City Panamá right now. This place rocks. Anyway met this really cool black guy from Atlanta last night who’s been here five...
The nexus of white nationists and Trump supporters is well documented and totally fair game. It’s also relevant to the much trumpeted civil war...
Appears to be the opening salvo of the white Nationalist/Trumpaloon led civil war that several of our posters have eagerly told us about. The...
Speaking for myself I don’t suffer fools. There are still many here but most rotate on and off my ignore list.
This is the biggest steaming pile of crap I’ve had the displeasure of reading today (the day is young). It’s up there with the civil war thread....
A joyful moment for America!
Gay guys….
Trump self reports height and weight6’3” 215#. Strawberry blond hair. WTH??
Depends if he’s wearing shoes, Have you seen him next to Tiger in lifts? With shoes 6’ 300, without 5’11 298
I don’t know where Orange County is…..
If you watch the deposition it’s the most transparently deceitful performance ever. His pupils roll so far up in the corners of his eyes I...
I thought it was Jack Wagner…
I have, he’s not dumb but he’s got nothing to add, you’re not missing anything
Trump should take an Uber to Fulton tomorrow, now that we know what Putin does to planes carrying people he no longer values.
One DemoncRAT has already jumped in. Got an email from her today Sen. Rick Scott picks up a Democratic challenger for 2024
Hmm CNN reporting that Ghouliani is meeting with the Fulton county DA tomorrow.