I can give you five of mine that are liberal: 1. Raising taxes generally lowers the deficit, and is therefore useful during periods of economic...
You called the guy a right-wing hero and two pages deep, I'm yet to see a right-winger who knows who this guy is. Maybe contrary to your initial...
Bro, I was being sarcastic. :D
To be honest, I was going to vote for Trump, then I saw his Christmas message and it simply changed everything. Now I will never vote for him.
No, it's not solid. In fact, the judges were so hesitant about the decision that they stayed the decision. I'm sorry, January 6th makes Trump...
And SCOTUS will likely interpret "insurrection" more narrowly. It's a generally undefined term in terms of scope for 14th Amendment purposes.
I never said it isn't a major stretch. I'm specifically saying it is a stretch. That's your opinion, but we also have a binary choice between...
It's not a matter of ignoring the words of the 14th Amendment, it's a matter of whether Trump's actions amount to any of the applicable provisions...
That's your opinion. We used to have this thing called elections to decide that. Remember those days?
Prove that he tried to violently overthrow the government? I'd love to see evidence of that.
To me, "plausible deniability" means he shouldn't be kept off a ballot and universally branded as an insurrectionist.
No, but I think you need to show more than what happened to show a genuine attempt.
This doesn't prove the point you think it does. Why on Earth would someone not go all-in on an insurrection if that's what they've decided to do?...
1. I never said let bygones be bygones. Charge the criminals. 2. Trump is not responsible for what happened at the Capitol because he didn't ask...
Calling January 6th an insurrection based on the protesters would be kind of like me getting into a fight with Mike Tyson, he lands one punch on...
And unlike 2020, he won't be wrong this time.
In an effort to diplomatically put this to avoid the typical pissing contest we see on Too Hot, here's my opinion: Trump is not an...
Also, are they complicit in the "insurrection?"
If we expect recruiting to reflect where we are rather than where we want to be, we're never going to get better. It's okay to say Napier isn't...
It's not fair to expect a true freshman to be our savior as a true freshman, but if Napier is on the hot seat going into next season, DJ Lagway is...