I agree they don't have to work with the federal government, but they cannot block or obstruct the federal government from doing their job. I...
Yes, and sanctuary cities impede the feds from enforcing federal law. Proponents of the policy just don't frame it that way because they would run...
Nobody is trying to keep Trump off the ballot? o_O If that's what you're saying, your posts are getting more ridiculous by the day. Your...
Let's play the victimhood olympics for a second. Which is more undemocratic? *Allegedly* gerrymandering districts in Texas or openly attempting...
1. Yes. 2. I agree that state authorities trying to block enforcement of federal law violates the Constitution. 3. Probably. I'm sure if a...
I said nothing of the sort. But race hustlers are going to race hustle. Par for the course.
A good reminder that Democrats love guns and Democrats love the power of law enforcement. They just don't like it when they don't control either...
Yes. If there's one thing that incapsulates liberal identity, it's "victimhood." At least that's how they like to think of themselves for some...
I mean. I do, but you don’t have to listen to me. And I don’t have to listen to you. It appears we’re at an impasse.
For a while the only Black Justice on the Supreme Court was Clarence Thomas. And a whole lot of you loathe him. Coincidence?:eek::D
What percentage of Black voters would be good enough for you? What if White voters elect a Black legislator? What if Black Republicans support a...
It is also worth mentioning that “White people,” more specifically “straight white men,” are the only group that can never play the diversity...
No, it’s not and that’s not my point. My point is Democrats treat “racism” and “bigotry” as this “god of the gaps.” “There’s a disparity? We...
Or because most people who go into politics as Republicans happen to be White and male. What a grave sin that is, I know. If only this sort of...
That’s all well and good, but what does that have to do with ethnic and age distribution of the Texas legislature? They could look like the...
Daddy always used to tell me excuses are for losers.
Ahh yes... The result of all elections I like is "democracy." The result of all elections I don't like is "gerrymandering." The questioning of...
Democracy is all fun and games until the people elect a non-ethnically diverse legislature. :D
Correct. They cling to the sympathetic cases to justify the typical cases, which happen to account for about 97% of cases with respect to abortion.