It is true the WHO was complicit in China's cover-up. Regardless of what Trump says, no need to defend the WHO.
He's probably pushing it because many people think it works and is very helpful. It's in his interest for our COVID 19 episode to end as soon as...
Gov. Cuomo requested more Hydroxychloroquine for NY. Maybe he's Trump's silent partner on the deal.. You exposed them!
LA doctor seeing success with hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 This is really interesting.
So you So you're one of those people who has to appear in the know even when you are wrong.. I got it. You confirmed what I said.. WHO put out...
We were told by the WHO mid-Jan no human to human transmission. Further it wasn't until late Jan that Fauci stated we were suspect but no sure of...
Politico, hardly a right wing publication. Opinion | How China’s fake news machine is rewriting the history of Covid-19, even as the pandemic...
A comprehensive timeline of the new coronavirus pandemic, from China's first COVID-19 case to the present China recorded their first death Jan...
Not proof but interesting article suggesting Hydrochloroquine is very effective. Hydroxychloroquine, a less toxic derivative of chloroquine, is...
Just playing this out, for which as I said, i'm not sold or even leaning that way.. Considering they have 1.4 billion population, are their...
So how does China now have it under control, with no new cases? They have a much greater population density than us. It makes me wonder if...
I believe there is much foreign dis-information out in the virtual world, with the explicit intent of sowing dissent. I choose to get my info...
Full on panic in the public re the virus is manifesting itself in the financial markets. In many respects, the panic is welcome because if people...
What else could she say? Anything else and she would wind up like the doctor, who is no longer with us.
How China’s “Bat Woman” Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronavirus Virologist who worked in the Wuhan lab originally thought it escaped...
I happen to agree with you. We need substantial manufacturing ability of essential items in our country.
The administration is ultimately responsible for getting the response to the coronavirus on point. Excuses are just that, excuses.. Reasons for...
My wife and I are in a risk group, so hopefully I'll be around next year to get the vaccine. I think that just because most of our politicians...
I'm not sure if this was posted already, but.. An interesting summary of what "big pharma" is working on re coronavirus. Money is a great...
Ford ran out of the party, leaving her friend (who was the only other woman there), alone with all the drunk rapists. I don't think so.